Tuesday, 31 July 2007
Chemo Angels
This organization matches up volunteers with chemo patients. A "card angel" commits to send a card weekly to their chemo patient for the duration of their treatment. How special would that be? I'm seriously considering signing up (just want to make sure I can fulfill my end of the bargain first). If you're interested - check it out!
Monday, 30 July 2007
One of these things....

I can see the difference - can you see the difference? Holy moly - where did all these bad cliches come from? So I know this blog is supposed to be about card making, but as you can tell life spills over into my blog too. We're in the process of painting our kitchen. I'm currently working on the walls - which should be completed by the end of the week, and then I'm prepping the cabinets for paint, which we will do while hubby is on holiday in August. So last night we decided to get rid of the eyesore which was our hood fan. We didn't want to replace it, since it's only re-circulating (which means it doesn't vent to the outside - why oh why?) so we painted it. Didn't hubby do a great job? It makes such a huge difference in the look of the kitchen.
Sunday, 29 July 2007
Commissioned Baby Cards

Wednesday, 25 July 2007
Everyday Inspiration

Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Sunday, 22 July 2007
Harry Potter and Disposable Monitors!!
I have a card to post but my monitor died on my computer. I'm posting this from hubby's laptop. I phoned Dell and asked them if monitors were now "disposable" and they told me pretty much "yup". How is that right? The old CRT monitors lasted forever and an LCD will last around 3 years - which is about how old mine is. So unfair! Sooo....we'll be replacing our monitor pronto (if I have anything to say about it!) so I should have some cards to post soon.
Happy reading to my fellow HP fans!!
Wednesday, 18 July 2007
More new stuff...

Tuesday, 17 July 2007
Home again, home again, jiggitty jig